Divya Delhi: Under the auspices of Samrat Kala Sangam, the Shastri Nagar auditorium hosted the 2024 Artist Samman Utsav. Important figures in the fields of art, culture, and society were feted at this event. Virendra Gautam and JD Sonu were the program organizers. Dr. Mahesh Kumar, in his role as chief guest, lit the lamp to officially begin the program. At this event, the Delhi Kala Award was bestowed upon Rajesh Kumar, Deputy Superintendent of Jail No. 5, for his role in guiding the inmates of Tihar Jail from evil to goodness. At the same time, a shawl was given to him. Mumbai singer Geetanjali was among several who were honored, including Taranjit Kaur, Harish Sarraf, Hema Raj, Rajbala, Nikki, Manju, TC Chauhan, Mukesh Anna, and countless more.