Divya Delhi: Fans are expressing their excitement as Rohit Shetty reveals the trailer for Singham Again, which is set to release on THIS day.After keeping fans guessing all along, Rohit Shetty has now revealed most of the important information on the much awaited film Singham Again. He uploaded a teaser video and disclosed the exact release date of the Ajay Devgn, Deepika Padukone, and Ranveer Singh trailer. Rohit Shetty posted a promo video on Instagram that demonstrated the evolution of the Singham series over time. The video also demonstrated the audience's response to the franchise and their appreciation of Ajay Devgn in his law enforcement role. He shared the video and said that Monday, October 7, is when the trailer will be released. "TRAILER OUT TOMORROW #SinghamAgain," wrote Shetty.