Divya Delhi: Among the fifty assembly constituencies in Delhi that have received nomination papers is the Shakurpur Basti constituency, where Congress Party candidate Satish Luthra kicked off his campaign with a magnificent padyatra. There was a palpable sense of excitement and joy in the air as this padyatra was being organized. Satish Luthra was overwhelmingly supported by the populace throughout the padyatra. Countless bystanders joined him on this yatra and showed their support at each stage. People from the area showed their support for their candidate and took part in this yatra. It is evident that the public is embracing change, as individuals expressed their support throughout the yatra and expressed a preference for the Congress Party government this time around. It is evident that the people want a Congress administration this time, according to Satish Luthra, who addressed the public during this padyatra. People are prepared for the restoration of the Congress government in Delhi, he said, because of the increasing trust and support towards the party. In addition, he emphasized that the Congress party has a long history of supporting the common man, and that his party's primary goal in the forthcoming elections is to serve the people of Delhi and ensure that they have a brighter future. The Congress party reiterated their support for the people of Delhi and their dedication to their welfare and development through this padyatra.