Divya Delhi: Director Era Saravanan: 'Sasikumar Never Complained During Nandhan Shoot Despite Injuries'On September 20, M Sasikumar's new Tamil film Nandhan opened to amazing reviews. The principal actor changed drastically in Sasikumar's second film with Era Saravanan, Nandhan. On September 28, Era Saravanan wished Sasikumar a happy birthday and thanked him for his cinematic dedication. Era Saravanan said in a comprehensive birthday note, “Sasikumar sir went to great lengths for Nandan by adjusting his looks and habits and even chewing betel leaves to achieve a realistic look.” Era Saravanan said, “During a difficult scene where he had to be trampled, those present were hesitant but he insisted on authenticity despite the risks. After the finale, I proposed reshooting to add realism, and he consented without hesitation. Later, he informed me that people typically applaud his films, but this time they commended his acting, which is what matters for an actor. His passion to the role was impressive.” Stars lauded Sasikumar and Suruthi Periyasamy and director Era Saravanan for handling the political topic well. Nandhan is doing well in its second week, filling most theaters.