Divya Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party candidate Satyendra Jain, hailing from Shakur Basti, held a huge nomination march to Delhi's Saraswati Vihar. Candidate Satyendra Jain, Sanjay Singh, and Dr. Sushil Gupta prayed at Shri Guru Singh Saheb Gurudwara before the march began. Following the prayer, the leaders, accompanied by the locals, began the march, setting the tone for an energetic and celebratory environment. The public showed tremendous support during the march, and many people from the area turned out to show their support. A large number of people showed up to the streets to participate in the march and pledge their support for the candidate. The Aam Aadmi Party (BJP) reiterated their support for the Delhi people and their dedication to their progress through this march. As he campaigned for office by disseminating party policies and initiatives, candidate Satyendra Jain led the locals on a joyous padyatra.