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After failing to pass JEE, a 17-year-old Delhi girl commits suicide and leaves a note.
Oct 26, 2024 03:06 pm

Divya Delhi: According to authorities on Saturday, a 17-year-old girl committed suicide in the Okhla neighborhood of Delhi after failing the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE), which is required to gain admission to prestigious engineering schools in India. According to the authorities, she wrote a suicide note in which she blamed her death on pressure to perform well in school and failure to live up to expectations."A PCR call about a 17-year-old girl plunging off the top of a building on the seventh story in Okhla Main Market was received at PS Jamia Nagar yesterday at 11:25 hrs. After passing the 12th grade, she was getting ready for JEE, the Delhi Police said in a statement. It also stated, "She has left a suicide note citing unfulfilled expectations and study pressure as a reason." An inquiry